Do you need Paediatric training ? But don’t have the time for 2 days in a class room!
This is Cheryl Cheryl joined the team at A&E and noticed we didn’t do blended learning. After some research she convinced our Director Lee, that we needed to do…
Do you or your company CARE?
Support Mental Health in Your Workplace C-Check A-Apply R-Reassure E-Encourage Next week is National Mental Health week with the 10th Oct Being National Mental Health Day. Why not…
Our New Training Venue for Public courses in Richmond
We are moving our Richmond Training Venue to Aske Estates. The old blacksmith’s shop, or Smithy, located at Aske Stables has been converted into a functional meeting room…
You asked, and we listened!
You asked, and we listened! We give you …..’Blended Learning!’. For more information on how we can help your business train up to 12 members of staff with online…
LifeSkills Workshops for 14 – 17 Year Olds
We are running some Life Skills workshops during the Summer Holidays for young people who want an insight to, or are looking at Weekend or evening work. LifeSkills Workshops…
Catterick Garrison Employment and Support Fair
Thank you to Army HIVE for hosting a fantastic event in Catterick Garrison on Wednesday. It was a great success and we met an amazing group of people who were extremely…
Did You Know?
Did you know that we don’t just offer public training courses? We can also come to your place of work and train between 6 to 16 (subject dependant)…
We are so Proud
As well as being the Funders of Heart of Richmond, We are proud to be Co Founders for Heart of Catterick, in support of Laura owner of Love Property…
NEW Course Venue
L3 EFAW We are now offering Emergency First Aid in the Work Place courses in Barnard Castle. More than just a certificate, we will give you the confidence you…